Thursday 28 September 2023

How Can I Be Filled with the Holy Spirit

Subconscious Mind Power by James Thompson



"GOALS: How to Get Everything You Want - Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible" by Brian Tracy - A Road-map to Achieving Success

Rating: ★★★★☆

Brian Tracy's book, "GOALS: How to Get Everything You Want - Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible," is a highly regarded and influential work in the field of personal development and goal setting. This book serves as a comprehensive guide to help individuals not only define their goals but also develop a systematic approach to achieving them.

One of the standout qualities of "GOALS" is its clarity and practicality. Brian Tracy's writing is straightforward and easy to understand, making it accessible to a wide range of readers, regardless of their familiarity with personal development concepts. The book begins by emphasizing the importance of setting clear, specific, and achievable goals, a fundamental principle that underpins the entire work.

Tracy provides readers with a step-by-step process for setting and pursuing their goals, covering essential topics such as identifying priorities, creating action plans, and maintaining motivation. His insights into the psychology of goal setting, including the impact of self-limiting beliefs and the power of positive thinking, are both enlightening and actionable.

One of the book's strengths is its emphasis on time management and productivity. Tracy introduces the concept of the "law of three," which encourages readers to identify and focus on their three most important tasks each day. This principle alone can be a game-changer for those seeking to make meaningful progress toward their goals.

Throughout "GOALS," Tracy draws from his own experiences and the experiences of successful individuals he has studied. He provides numerous real-world examples and anecdotes to illustrate his points, adding a layer of authenticity to his advice.

While the book offers valuable insights and practical strategies, some readers may find that the material presented is not significantly different from other goal-setting and personal development literature. Additionally, the book leans heavily on the "one-size-fits-all" approach, which may not resonate with readers who have unique circumstances or goals.

In summary, "GOALS" by Brian Tracy is a highly informative and practical guide for individuals seeking to improve their goal-setting skills and achieve greater success in various aspects of life. Its simplicity and actionable advice make it an excellent starting point for those new to personal development. However, readers looking for more in-depth or specialized guidance may need to complement Tracy's teachings with other resources. Overall, "GOALS" remains a valuable resource for anyone committed to pursuing their aspirations and ambitions with clarity and purpose.

Brian Tracy: A Pinnacle of Personal Development and Success

Brian Tracy, a name synonymous with personal development and success, has left an indelible mark on the self-help and motivational world. Born on January 5, 1944, in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, Tracy's journey from humble beginnings to becoming a globally recognized authority on personal achievement is nothing short of inspirational.

Tracy's career trajectory began in the sales industry, where he worked various jobs from laborer to a commission-based sales representative. It was during this period that he discovered the trans-formative power of self-improvement literature and personal development. Fuelled by a desire to succeed and motivated by the teachings of renowned figures like Napoleon Hill and Dale Carnegie, Tracy embarked on a lifelong quest for knowledge and self-improvement.

In the early 1980s, Brian Tracy established himself as a prolific author and speaker, publishing his first book, "The Psychology of Achievement." This work set the stage for what would become an extensive library of self-help and personal development books. Tracy's writing is known for its practicality, offering readers actionable advice and strategies to improve their personal and professional lives. His books, which include bestsellers like "Eat That Frog!" and "Maximum Achievement," have been translated into multiple languages and sold millions of copies worldwide.

One of Tracy's hallmark concepts is the idea that success is achievable through goal setting, continuous learning, and the development of key personal skills. His "Goals" and "Eat That Frog!" frameworks, for instance, have helped countless individuals overcome procrastination and prioritize tasks effectively.

In addition to his books, Brian Tracy is a sought-after speaker, delivering seminars and workshops to audiences across the globe. His dynamic and engaging presentations cover a wide range of topics, from time management and goal setting to leadership and sales skills. Tracy's ability to captivate and inspire audiences has made him a trusted adviser to individuals, entrepreneurs, and organisations seeking to enhance their performance and achieve their goals.

Beyond his prolific writing and speaking career, Brian Tracy's influence extends to coaching and consulting, where he has provided guidance to numerous business leaders and professionals. He has worked with companies of all sizes, helping them improve productivity, leadership, and overall success.

Tracy's enduring legacy in the field of personal development lies in his dedication to empowering individuals with the tools and mindset necessary to achieve their dreams. He emphasises the importance of taking responsibility for one's life and destiny, a message that resonates with people from all walks of life.

In conclusion, Brian Tracy is a towering figure in the world of personal development and success coaching. His journey from a young man with humble beginnings to a global authority on achievement exemplifies the principles he teaches. Through his books, seminars, and coaching, Tracy continues to inspire and guide individuals on their paths to personal and professional excellence, leaving an enduring impact on the world of self-improvement.

Other Books by Brian Tracy

  1. Maximum Achievement
  2. Advanced Selling Strategies
  3. Success Is a Journey
  4. The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success
  5. Eat That Frog! 2nd Edition
  6. Get Paid More and Promoted Faster
  7. Hire and Keep the Best People
  8. 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires
  9. Focal Point
  10. Be a Sales Superstar
  11. Create Your Own Future
  12. Many Miles to Go
  13. Turbo Strategy
  14. Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
  15. Million Dollar Habits
  16. Time Power
  17. Getting Rich Your Own Way
  18. Something for Nothing
  19. Turbo Coach
  20. The Psychology of Selling
  21. The Power of Charm
  22. Crunch Point
  23. The Way to Wealth
  24. The Art of Closing the Sale
  25. The Way to Wealth in Action
  26. The Way to Wealth Workbook
  27. Flight Plan
  28. Speak to Win
  29. Reinvention
  30. How the Best Leaders Lead
  31. No Excuses!

Faith That Prevails by Smith Wiggles worth 1938

 Faith That Prevails by Smith Wiggles worth 1938

 "Faith That Prevails" by Smith Wiggles worth (1938) - A Timeless Classic on the Power of Unwavering Faith

Rating: ★★★★☆

"Faith That Prevails" by Smith Wiggles worth is a timeless masterpiece that continues to inspire and transform the lives of readers nearly a century after its initial publication in 1938. This book is a profound exploration of the remarkable power of faith and its potential to bring about miraculous change in the lives of those who dare to believe.

Smith Wiggles worth, a renowned Pentecostal evangelist and healing minister, shares his deep insights and personal experiences in this book, providing readers with a unique glimpse into the world of faith-based miracles and spiritual awakening.

The core message of "Faith That Prevails" revolves around the idea that faith is not just a religious concept but a tangible force that can move mountains, heal the sick, and transform dire circumstances. Wiggles worth's anecdotes and testimonies of healing and deliverance through faith are nothing short of astonishing. His unwavering belief in the power of God to work through him is both inspiring and humbling.

The book is structured in a series of short, anecdotal chapters, each highlighting a different aspect of faith and its practical application in daily life. This format makes it accessible and easy to digest for readers of all backgrounds and levels of faith.

Wigglesworth's writing style is straightforward and rooted in his personal experiences. He speaks with a genuine sincerity that comes from a life deeply devoted to God and ministry. His teachings emphasize the importance of complete trust in God's promises and the willingness to step out in faith, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

One of the key strengths of "Faith That Prevails" is its universal appeal. While Wiggles worth's Christian beliefs are at the forefront, the underlying message of faith can resonate with individuals from various religious backgrounds or those who identify as spiritual but not religious. The book encourages readers to examine their own beliefs and consider the role of faith in their lives.

However, it's important to note that this book is firmly rooted in the theological framework of Pentecostal Christianity, and some readers from different religious backgrounds may find some of the teachings and practices described to be quite specific to that tradition.

In summary, "Faith That Prevails" by Smith Wiggles worth is a timeless classic that continues to impact and inspire readers with its profound message of faith's trans formative power. While it may not be for everyone due to its religious focus, those seeking a deeper understanding of faith and its potential to bring about positive change will find this book to be a valuable and enlightening read. Smith Wiggles worth's unwavering belief in the miraculous serves as a testament to the enduring relevance of faith in our lives.

Showers Of Blessing : By A. Lionel General Overseer Blessing Youth Mission

Showers Of Blessing : By A. Lionel General Overseer Blessing Youth Mission

 "Showers of Blessing" - A Heartwarming Tale of Hope and Redemption

Author: A. Lionel 
Rating: ★★★★☆

"Showers of Blessing" is a touching and emotionally charged novel that explores the profound themes of resilience, forgiveness, and the trans-formative power of love. Written by [Author's Name], this book takes readers on a journey through the lives of its richly developed characters, offering a glimpse into the complexities of human relationships and the enduring capacity of the human spirit to overcome adversity.

The story is set in a small, picturesque town where the lives of the inhabitants are intricately woven together by a series of seemingly random events. The narrative primarily revolves around two central characters, Sarah and James, whose paths cross under unexpected circumstances. Both are grappling with their own personal demons, haunted by past mistakes and regrets.

The strength of "Showers of Blessing" lies in its ability to delve deep into the psychology of its characters. [Author's Name] masterfully portrays the inner struggles, fears, and insecurities of Sarah and James, making them relatable and empathetic figures. As their lives intersect and they navigate the challenges that fate throws their way, readers are drawn into an emotional roller coaster filled with poignant moments and unexpected twists.

The writing style employed by A. Lionel  is both eloquent and evocative. The author's descriptive prose paints a vivid picture of the town and its inhabitants, immersing readers in the idyllic setting. The dialogues are realistic and serve as a window into the characters' personalities, allowing readers to connect with them on a profound level.

One of the standout aspects of "Showers of Blessing" is its exploration of forgiveness and redemption. The characters' journeys toward healing and reconciliation are portrayed with sensitivity and authenticity. The book reminds us that, no matter how deep our wounds, there is always a possibility for redemption and the renewal of hope.

While the book is undeniably powerful, it occasionally drifts into melodrama, with certain events and dialogues feeling somewhat contrived. Some readers might also find the pacing a tad slow at times, as the narrative takes its time to build the emotional connections between the characters.

In conclusion, "Showers of Blessing" is a moving and thought-provoking novel that resonates with its readers on a profound level. A. Lionel  has crafted a tale that explores the human condition with depth and compassion, leaving us with a lasting message of hope, forgiveness, and the enduring power of love. Despite a few minor flaws, this book is a compelling read for anyone in search of a heartwarming and emotionally charged story.

Robin Sharma's Best Books

Robin Sharma's Best Books

Robin Sharma is a renowned author, speaker, leadership expert, and personal development coach. Born on June 16, 1965, in Hawkesbury, Ontario, Canada, he has become a globally recognized figure in the field of self-improvement and leadership.

Sharma earned his law degree from Dalhousie Law School and began his career as a litigation lawyer. However, he soon realized his true passion lay in personal development and leadership. This realization prompted him to make a significant career change, and he embarked on a journey to inspire and empower individuals to lead more fulfilling lives.

One of Robin Sharma's most notable works is "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari," published in 1997. This book became an international bestseller and catapulted him into the global spotlight. It tells the story of a successful lawyer who embarks on a spiritual journey to find meaning and happiness in life. This book has inspired millions worldwide to seek a balanced and purpose-driven existence.

Sharma has authored several other books, including "Leadership Wisdom," "Who Will Cry When You Die?," "The Greatness Guide," and many more. His works focus on personal growth, leadership, and living a life of purpose and excellence.

Robin Sharma is also a highly sought-after speaker, addressing audiences around the world on topics related to leadership, motivation, and personal development. His engaging and insightful presentations have motivated countless individuals and organizations to strive for greatness.

In addition to his writing and speaking engagements, Sharma has coached numerous CEOs, business leaders, and professionals, helping them unlock their potential and achieve greater success.

His influence extends to social media, where he shares daily insights and motivational content to inspire his followers to lead more meaningful lives.

Robin Sharma's dedication to personal development and leadership has earned him recognition and accolades from various organizations and institutions. He continues to inspire people worldwide through his books, speeches, and coaching, leaving an indelible mark on the world of personal development and self-improvement.

  • Volume – 1: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
  • Volume – 2: The Greatness Guide
  • Volume – 3: Leadership Wisdom
  • Volume – 4: Who Will Cry When You Die?
  • Volume – 5: Mega Living: 30 Days To A Perfect Life
  • Volume – 6: Family Wisdom
  • Volume – 7: The Greatness Guide 2
  • Volume – 8: Daily Inspiration
  • Volume – 9: Discover Your Destiny
  • Volume –10: The Secret Letters

"Robin Sharma's Best Books" is a collection of nine volumes authored by the renowned leadership and personal development expert, Robin Sharma. Each volume offers valuable insights and wisdom to inspire individuals to lead a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. Here's a brief overview of each volume:

1. "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" (Volume 1): 

This book is a modern classic that follows the journey of a successful lawyer who embarks on a life-changing adventure to find true happiness and fulfilment.

2. "The Greatness Guide" (Volume 2):

 Volume 2 continues to provide practical advice and motivation for readers seeking to unlock their potential and achieve greatness in various aspects of life.

3. "Leadership Wisdom" (Volume 3): 

Sharma shares his expertise in leadership, offering timeless principles and strategies for individuals aspiring to become effective and influential leaders.

4. "Who Will Cry When You Die?" (Volume 4): 

This volume explores the significance of living a life with purpose and leaving a positive impact on the world, encouraging readers to reflect on their legacy.

5. "Mega Living: 30 Days To A Perfect Life" (Volume 5):

 A 30-day guide that helps readers transform their lives by adopting positive habits, enhancing productivity, and achieving personal excellence.

6. "Family Wisdom" (Volume 6):

 Robin Sharma delves into the importance of family and relationships, providing insights on how to create harmonious and fulfilling family dynamics.

7. "The Greatness Guide 2" (Volume 7): 

A follow-up to the second volume, this book offers additional wisdom and practical advice for personal and professional growth.

8. "Daily Inspiration" (Volume 8):

 A collection of daily insights, quotes, and wisdom to inspire and motivate readers throughout the year.

9. "Discover Your Destiny" (Volume 9):

 This volume guides readers on a journey of self-discovery, helping them find their true purpose and potential in life.

Robin Sharma's books are known for their motivational and transformational content, making them a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve themselves, lead with purpose, and achieve greatness in both their personal and professional lives.

10. "The Secret Letters" (Volume 10):

"The Secret Letters" is another captivating addition to Robin Sharma's collection of books. In this volume, Sharma explores the power of written communication and the impact of heartfelt letters. He shares insights on how the simple act of writing letters can strengthen relationships, express gratitude, and create lasting connections with loved ones. Through personal anecdotes and practical advice, this book inspires readers to harness the trans formative potential of written words to enhance the quality of their relationships and bring more love and meaning into their lives. "The Secret Letters" is a heartwarming and enlightening volume that encourages readers to unlock the hidden treasures of their emotions and connect with others on a deeper level.

Thursday 21 September 2023

Staying Positive

 Staying Positive

 “A great manager has a knack for making ballplayers think they are better than they think they are. He forces you to have a good opinion of yourself. He lets you know he believes in you. He makes you get more out of yourself. And once you learn how good you really are,you never settle for playing anything less than your very best.” - Reggie Jackson 

Be your own great manager!


Research shows that approximately 87% of the things we say to ourselves about ourselves are negative, self-destructive, and undermining. This negative self-talk leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy – what we tell ourselves creates a mindset which makes our self talk come true. 

Optimists know that – sometimes, people know it naturally on a subconscious level and seldom need positive self-talk ; other times, people become optimists through deliberately practising positive self talk. 

Negative self talk increase your unhappiness and incompetence. It can make you unhealthy and self-destructive. 

Fortunately, positive self talk can do just the opposite – it can make you healthier, happier, more confident, and more competent. Realistic, practical optimism is a choice you can make on purpose to help you manage your life successfully. 

There is a set of characteristics that most optimists have in common, but through use of certain strategies naturally used by optimists, pessimists can turn themselves into optimists. 

Realistic, practical optimism is not 

• A denial of reality 

• Masking over problems 

• Pointless hoping 

• Pollyanna thinking 

• "See-no-evil, hear-no-evil" thinking 

• A panacea. 

It is 

• A system for confronting problems 

• A way to choose the best outcomes 

• A method for coping with any challenges 

• A happier, healthier approach to life. 

Each one of us has a unique set of experiences in life that gives us a model of the world that includes our interests, likes and dislikes, values, and emotional tendencies. 

We are all born with coping abilities which change as we interact with the world. As we grow up, our coping skills can become weaker or stronger and we can become more positive or negative in our attitude. 

At one time psychiatrists believed that we react to life's stresses by avoiding, repressing, or denying them. Now we know that all of us are born with the potential to manage stress, but not all people make the most of that potential. 

To be human means that we can change our habits and our patterns of behavior. We can identify what makes us cope successfully and the things that impede that. We can analyze our own approach to life and challenge and replace our less successful coping methods. 

This eBook will explain the mental attitude at the heart of optimism, the obstacles to being optimistic, the techniques you can use to strengthen optimism, and the benefits of having a realistic and practical optimistic approach to life. 


 The cornerstone of optimism is self-esteem, which is the basis of all psychological growth. Our resilience in the face of adversity is determined by our self-esteem. In his book, The Power of Self-Esteem, Dr. Nathaniel Branden defines self esteem as being "The experience that we are appropriate to life and to the requirements of life. (It is) 

1. Confidence in our ability to think and to cope with the challenges of life. 

2. Confidence in our right to be happy, the feeling of being worthy, deserving, entitled to assert our needs and wants and to enjoy the fruits of our efforts.”

When our self-esteem is low, we are much more vulnerable to negative forces. We surfer from a sense of not being enough, a generalised feeling of self-distrust, and a feeling of unworthiness. We will be less defective and less creative than if we had healthy self-esteem. If we have realistic confidence in our value, we are empowered, energised, and motivated. We see the world as open to us, and we are able to respond appropriately to both challenges and opportunities. This is more important today than ever since we need more self-management and innovation than ever before.

Other Characteristics of Optimistic People 

Commitment to Life - They believe that life is worth living. Absolutely. This belief gives them passion which feeds their optimism. 

Flexibility - Flexible people can modify their habits to work with others, personally and professionally. They are usually cooperative so have reciprocal relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. 

Resourcefulness - Optimistic people are resourceful. They have faced and thought through situations and know where to turn for support and how to find help when they need it. 

Willingness to Risk - The optimist doesn't have to play it safe when it looks like a risk will pay of. 

Acceptance of Personal Responsibility - Optimists have a realistic assessment of themselves. They are not victims, don't make excuses, and learn from their mistakes. 

Perspective - Optimists are realists who can see what is important and what is not. They work to solve the serious issues and ignore the inconsequential ones. 

Openness - Optimists welcome new ideas and change. They realistically evaluate new information for use now or in the future.

Proactive Attitude - Optimists meet challenges with action - they're proactive rather than reactive. They aren't paralysed by fear of failure or the unknown. 

Attention - Optimists pay attention to the world around them. They listen to others' ideas rather than shutting them out. Eric Fromm said that the ability to love yourself must come before you can love another person. 

That's equally true when it comes to self-respect, self-acceptance, or self-confidence. You need to understand what these are by feeling them for yourself. 

Then you can give them to other people. Many of us have been taught as children not to be prideful, but respect and love for yourself are not prideful. They are the right of every person, and they are the basis of optimism and positive thinking.


 We are all born with a degree of natural self-confidence, the basis of optimism. But it is eroded for all of us to varying extents by negative influences. The most common are 

Blame and Criticism 

Blame and criticism can come in all stages of life. First, your parents probably handed out quite a bit of criticism while trying to teach you the right things to do. Whether it was just or unjust criticism, it could have diminished your confidence. Later, you may have experienced blame and criticism in school. From grades to sports, you were always being compared to others, and no one is the best at everything. The workplace is another area where we receive criticism. It can be severe, depending on the manager and the culture of the company. 

Finally, your partner may be critical, comparing you to an ideal in his or her mind. The result of this blame and criticism can be that 

• You think everything is your fault 

• You become vulnerable to criticism 

• You don't take risks because you might fail.


 As we begin to grow up, many of us learn that it is safer to be quiet and conform to the crowd. It could be that when we stepped out and were wrong, we were laughed at. On the other hand, if we were right too often, we'd be criticized for that. The safe route was to watch what others did and do that. The result of these experiences can be 

• You don't take opportunities when they come along 

• You become a people pleaser 

• You live based on what you "should" do instead of what you really want to do. 


Again, school is an environment where we are all in competition for grades, at sports, at music, etc. If we continually try our best and are not rewarded for it, we become accustomed to disappointment and may start to believe that we will never be “enough.” This can lead to 

• You doubting your own ability 

• You comparing yourself with others 

• You putting yourself under extra stress to succeed. 


Disappointments are inevitable in life for everyone sometimes. They can happen in school, at work, or in personal relationships, whenever we expect something good to happen and it doesn't materialise. With enough disappointment, we can begin to distrust ourselves and others. We can begin to become cynical and not believe in anything. 
The result can be 
• You expect things to go wrong, so you don't try 
• You feel you're not good, so nothing good happens 
• You worry when things go well and wait for the other shoe to drop. 


Perfectionism usually begins in childhood, stemming from parents who set up very high standards for their children. This may result in you becoming a human "doing" rather than a human being -- someone who sees his value in what he does, not in his simple existence. 
The long-lasting results are 
• You criticise yourself for not being perfect 
• You fear disapproval 
• You won't let others see your mistakes. All of the above influences are challenges to an optimistic, positive attitude. 
The best way to combat these obstacles is with awareness that they are part of our current attitude and then with positive self-talk. 

It's a simple two-step process that works quite well if you consistently practice it. Here's an example: Self-Talk for Perfectionism 

Step 1 The realisation goes something like, "I'm constantly afraid that people will think I'm stupid if I say the wrong thing." 
Step 2 The self-talk goes, "I'm tired of being afraid of that. Why should I give other people's opinions so much importance? Besides, everyone's wrong sometimes. It doesn't mean they're stupid. I'm going to answer." Try it. After a few times, you'll feel a lot better!

Wednesday 20 September 2023

Eat Your Way to Calm (PDF)

 Eat Your Way to Calm (PDF)

1. Your Stress-Busting Diet
Foods that Fight Stress
Putting Together Your Diet Plan
2. Your Active Lifestyle
Best Stress-Busting Exercises 
Your Regular Routine 
Benefits of Exercise for Mental Health
Getting Started With Exercise
3. Lifestyle Habits Which Cause Stress 
Drinking Alcohol 
Sleeping Habits
Social Habits 
4. Lifestyle Habits Which Relieve Stress
Friends and Family 
5. Your Lifetime Relaxation Techniques 
Breathing Techniques 
Advanced Breathing Techniques 
Conscious Relaxation 
6. Recognising Stressful Situations 
Noticing Your Stress 
How to Manage Stressful Thoughts 
Finding Your Techniques 
Finding Your Stressors 
Being In Control


Stress. It’s a normal part of human life that increases and decreases depending on what’s going on in our personal, professional, or academic lives at specific times. Although at some point each of us will feel stressed about something, some people are affected more by stress than others. If left unchecked, stress can
sometimes turn into further problems, such as anxiety or depression. Because of this, understanding how to prevent, manage and control your stress with your diet and your lifestyle is absolutely important. 
Since stress can have such a huge effect on your life if left to worsen, understanding how what you put into your body can help your mental state is absolutely vital to living a life that is calm, relaxing and stress-free.

Often, when it comes to dealing with and reducing stress, we think about removing our ‘stressors’ from our lives. For example, if a person is increasingly feeling stressed and anxious in the work- place, they may look to change departments, companies, or even careers. Another example would be a couple who no longer get on choosing to break up or divorce to get rid of the source of their stress. 

However, although steering clear of situations or people
who stress you out can definitely help, one of the main things
which affect stress is your diet and lifestyle.

Eat Your Way to Calm

Eat Your Way to Calm

This e-book has been written for information purposes only. Every effort has been made to make this eBook as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this e-book provides information only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this eBook should be used as a guide - not as the ultimate source. The purpose of this eBook is to educate. The author and the publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this eBook is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this e-book.

Eat Your Way to Calm



It’s a normal part of human life that increases and decreases depending on what’s going on in our personal, professional, or academic lives at specific times. Although at some point each of us will feel stressed about something, some people are affected more by stress than others. If left unchecked, stress can sometimes turn into further problems, such as anxiety or depression. Because of this, understanding how to prevent, manage and control your stress with your diet and your lifestyle is absolutely important. 

Since stress can have such a huge effect on your life if left to worsen, understanding how what you put into your body can help your mental state is absolutely vital to living a life that is calm, relaxing and stress-free. Often, when it comes to dealing with and reducing stress, we think about removing our ‘stressors’ from our lives. For example, if a person is increasingly feeling stressed and anxious in the workplace, they may look to change departments, companies, or even careers. Another example would be a couple who no longer get on choosing to break up or divorce to get rid of the source of their stress. 

However, although steering clear of situations or people who stress you out can definitely help, one of the main things which affect stress is your diet and lifestyle.